Code of conduct for the company's employees, suppliers and subcontractors

Social Policy of Vajasoft GmbH

Vajasoft GmbH is one of the leading manufacturers of inventory systems, inventory management systems and a leading provider of services for carrying out inventories of fixed assets. With our offerings, we strive for exemplary quality of our products and services, but also in our behavior in the social context. For this, it is necessary that each employee, supplier and subcontractor of Vajasoft takes responsibility by always considering the consequences of decisions and actions, both in technological and in social and environmental terms, and by achieving appropriate balancing of interests.

The basis for this is a code of conduct that is intended to ensure respect and consideration in mutual interaction and towards our natural environment. This Code of Conduct is accessible and known to all our employees. At the same time, we ensure that our suppliers and subcontractors comply with the rules laid down therein.

The rules set forth in the Code of Conduct consists of the following points:

  • Guidelines on working conditions and human rights
  • Occupational health and safety guidelines
  • Environmental protection guidelines
  • Business ethics guidelines

Vajasoft strictly pays attention to the fact that the responsibility towards the society is perceived by every employee. Vajasoft is committed to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and actively promotes its observance.

Vajasoft does not tolerate child labor, forced labor, human trafficking, and harassment and discrimination.

If we become aware of a violation of any of the following rules, this will result in severe sanctions, such as immediate termination or dissolution of employment and business relationships, against our employees, suppliers and subcontractors.

1.1 Child labor and youth employment

Child labor is strictly rejected. The legally stipulated age restrictions according to the Youth Employment Protection Act are applied. This does not include voluntary student internships, even during full-time compulsory education. The permission from parents and the responsible educational institutions is mandatory.
When employing young people as regular job, it is essential to comply with the legal regulations on working hours, rest breaks and employment in hazardous work.

1.2 Forced Labor and Human Trafficking

Vajasoft does not tolerate forced labor or human trafficking, neither in its own sphere of activity, nor with its suppliers and subcontractors. All employees are required to contribute to the complete prevention of forced labor, human trafficking, involuntary prison labor and slavery.

1.3 Discrimination

Vajasoft offers equal opportunities for all employees. Discrimination of any kind is strictly rejected and will be strictly sanctioned. This applies in particular to ethnic origin, national and social origin, gender, religion or belief, political opinion, disability, age, sexual identity or membership in an employee organization, as well as any other characteristic.

1.4 Paymment and Rewards

Vajasoft complies with or exceed the lawfully standards on payments and rewards. This applies in particular to the conditions of the minimum wage.

1.5 Working time

Vajasoft strictly adheres to applicable labor standards regarding maximum allowable working hours.

1.6 Working conditions

Vajasoft is committed to complying with the core labor standards of the ILO (International Labor Organization).

1.7 Workers rights

Vajasoft respects the rights of employees to freedom of association, freedom of assembly, and collective and collective bargaining to the extent permitted and possible by law.

1.8 volunteering

Vajasoft supports its employees in performing voluntary activities as part of their social commitment. The goal is to promote social and economic development.

Vajasoft attaches great importance to the preservation of health and physical wellbeing. This applies to employees of Vajasoft as well as to employees of its suppliers and subcontractors. To this end, applicable regulations on occupational health and safety are strictly adhered to and regular employee training courses are held. A safe working environment ans thr prevention of accidents and injuries is therefore paramount.

Environmental protection

Vajasoft is committed to comply with the regulations and standards on environmental protection. All employees are encouraged to make environmentally sound decisions and to use resources responsibly. One of the benchmarks for this is the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development 1992.

4.1 Communication

Vajasoft communicates openly and dialog-oriented about the requirements of the rules described here and their implementation in everyday work towards employees, suppliers, customers, subcontractors and other involved stakeholders. Company and business secrets are treated carefully and confidentially.

4.2 Integrity and responsibility

All Vajasoft employees base their actions on universally accepted ethical values and principles, in particular integrity, righteousness, respect for human dignity, openness and non-discrimination of religion, belief, gender and ethnicity.

Vajasoft Ltd.

Manfred-von-Ardenne-Ring 20 (House D)
01099 Dresden
Tel.: +49 351 210 738 0
Fax: +49 351 210 738 10